Friday, September 17, 2010

It's Friday!

We finished our book, Flat Stanley yesterday. It's about a boy who is flattened by a bulletin board and goes on lots of adventures. The students colored and cut out their own Stanleys today.

They will take them home and have some amazing adventures of their own.

Some of the Stanleys visited reading centers.

Emaleigh and Angline show Stanley the writing center while Josh reads to his Stanley.Zane and Brayden show their Stanleys the Word Work center.
Wilson and Chase work in the Spelling center with their Stanleys.
Stanley hangs out with Hannah as she writes a compliment to a friend.
We have a compliment bucket and each day during centers students can write nice things about other students. I read the compliments to the class and then they take their nice notes home. The kids love it and always thank and sometimes hug the person who wrote something nice about them. They are so sweet!
This group of kids are so sweet to each other. They help each other when they're sad or hurt. They compliment each other and give high fives when they are proud of one another.
Some of the kids have been been bringing me some of their favorite books from home for me to read to the class. Today Taigan brought a book and when I started to take it she said, "Actually, I can read it." I was impressed by the way she read it to the class, just like a teacher. I was even more impressed with the way the other kids sat so wonderfully and listened to the story.
After she finished several of them told her how great she read and some even gave her a high five!We had Rise and Shine this morning. It's a short assembly where we sing our school song, learn the word of the week, and at the end a student from each class gets a hug from Hug-A-Bear.

Zane got a hug from Hug-A-Bear this week.
Last time Hannah got a hug.Kennedy and Tanner were our Students of the Month for September. They asked me what it was and I told them they earned it because they were responsible and kind to others. Then I told them they got their picture in the Seneca newspaper. They started jumping up and down and hugging each other like I had told them they just won a million dollars! We had Show and Tell today which is more like a Talent Show!

This group of students doesn't lack self-confidence. They show me cheers, dance routines, sing songs, and do football plays. I look forward to it all week! Emma showed her tooth that she lost last night.
A couple of things your kids said today....
I came up behind Emma and hugged her and she said "Oh, you scared me! I thought you were a human!"
No, just your teacher!
Tristen came back to my desk and asked, "Mrs. Ward, what does streak mean?"
I told him it was kind of like lines. Then I asked, "Why?"
He said, "Because someone was streaking out in the hallway."
After some more questions I figured out they were dragging their hands on the walls and making lines.

1 comment:

  1. Your kiddos are really cute. I'm sure their parents love it that you remember all of the funny things they say, while they're in your classroom. I think your job is exhausting and draining and challenging in many ways I couldn't handle... so I love that I get to enjoy this perk- hearing all the good stories, and seeing all the cute smiles- without having to do your job!
