Friday, September 24, 2010

Brittney and Marissa

Our guest readers today were Marissa and Brittney. They are high school cheerleaders.
They read King Bidgood's in the Bathtub. It's a funny story and the kids really enjoyed predicting what would happen next!

The boys in our class REALLY liked these two! They were showering them with compliments and hugs. Many of the boys told them they were cute or pretty. Tristen even told Brittney that her teeth were really white.

Lots of kids wrote them notes. Emaleigh's said, "I lick you." The girls understood that she meant "like"!

Brittney and Marissa were so sweet with all the kids and patiently answered their questions. They started with the same types of questions. "Who do you cheer for?" "Which high school?" Then they asked "What color are you?" This question surprised Brittney until I clarified, "What color are your uniforms?"

They signed autographs and posed for some pictures.

I was able to embarrass Marissa with pictures and even a video. I was Marissa's kindergarten teacher!! Now she's a senior.

Thanks Brittney and Marissa! We really enjoyed today.

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