Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In class this morning I overheard Tanner ask Mallorie, "Do you want to help me teach Kennedy to run fast at recess?"
After recess Kennedy was really sweaty and Mallorie and Tanner were saying encouraging things to her like "You're getting faster and stronger than my sister."
I caught Kennedy looking down her shirt in the hallway saying, "I'm getting a lot more bones from all that running!"

I had the students write a sentence about their moms. Wilson said, "My mom lovs my be cus i hper wif hre chors." Pretty good for the beginning of first grade!

Taigan said, "My mom is prite (pretty)."
I think the crayons add ten pounds. What do you think Heather?
Alexis said, "My mom is awesome because she is having a baby."
That's more than awesome, that's like some sort of superpower!

We've been playing games on the Smartboard. The kids love it!

Chase got a new wrap on his arm. He says it now smells like his Nana's house, which apparently smells really good because he's been sniffing it all day. He's asked several people if they want to smell it. As a rule of thumb I usually don't sniff anything a kid asks me to, but I've got to admit I was curious about the smell of his Nana's house. When Tanner was asked he said, "I'll pass".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Adorable!!! In this case, I don't think any parents have any reason to be embarassed. You're very sweet, Mrs. Ward. You write about your class like they're your kids... I mean they are your "kids", but I mean your biological kids. You know what I mean. You are a great teacher. That's what I mean. I wish you could be my kids' first grade teacher... only then you might buy them shiny, fancy pencil bags and fun new school supplies and annoy yourself...

  3. Kennedy was showing off her newfound blazing speed tonight in the yard. Thanks to her good buds Mallorie and Tanner for helping her be all she can be ;)

  4. I really hope that it's just the crayons! Lol :) I am so thankful that you made this blog. It makes my day more wonderful!
