Thursday, September 23, 2010

Memorizing Presidents

We've been memorizing presidents in our class. You can check out the "44 Presidents" link on the side to listen to the song we've been learning.

The kids told me some interesting facts about presidents. Some are true, some are not, and some are versions of the truth.

Emma says, "The brown president is on T.V. a lot."

Emaleigh says in a dramatic voice, "Abraham Lincoln just got shot watching a video with his wife! I don't know why anyone would want to shoot him in the back of the head!"

Tristen told us that someone robbed George Washington's house and then shot him in the stomach.

Regan says, "None of our presidents are from Wisconsin."

Alexis told us that George Washington cut down an apple tree.

Kennedy informed us that every president is the boss of the United States.

When we said that many of the presidents were dead, Chase said, "They're all not really dead they're just with Jesus."