Friday, September 10, 2010

Athletes...Well, Kind Of

At the request of two of our students, Coach King and Coach Townsend came to read to our class today. It took the students a little while to figure out "what team they played for".
We finally established the fact that they coached the high school football and basketball teams in Seneca and that their colors are red and white.
They were good sports and read a book called "Hooway for Wodney Wat". It's a story about a little rat named Rodney who has a hard time pronouncing his Rs. It was pretty comical listening to these two grown men read the words as Wodney would say them! To top it off Mrs. Barnes came in to listen. They signed autograph books, took hugs, and answered questions.
We all loved these coaches, but their two biggest fans were their daughters Kennedy and Mallorie.
Thank you Coach Townsend and Coach King for reading to us today. We had a blast!