Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Funny Things Your Kids Say...

These are comments I've heard in the past couple of days. I will keep their identity a secret to save you, as parents, some embarrassment!

After looking at the picture of animals dancing on the front of a book a child says, "I can tell this book isn't nonfriction".

One little girl said, "When I walk this part of my hell hurts and I didn't even do a cartwheel or nothin'".

I overheard one little guy in our class, who has a cast on his wrist, say to the little girl behind him in the lunch line, "It really stinks inside here (his cast)...wanna smell?" The girl said no.

At lunch the other day the cafeteria ladies were serving baked beans and one of our students told them in great detail what beans does to his dad. Then he asked if he had to eat them?

I made the mistake one day of asking a little girl what took her so long in the bathroom and she said, "I had to go poo and sometimes that takes awhile". I guess I shouldn't ask if I don't want to know!
I asked the students to write a sentence about their dad. One boy said, "My dad is a turd, but he's still nice".

I love my job!

1 comment:

  1. I live in fear, daily, of what my kindergartener is saying about me... and I'm sure her teacher is smiling wide, with amusement, as you are.
