Friday, April 30, 2010

Field Trip

Our field trip was today. We were scheduled to tour downtown Seneca. We were about 3/4 of the way through the trip when it started to rain. It was still a lot of fun though. First we paired up and got on the bus. We were dropped off at the police department and walked from there.

Our first stop was the newspaper. A nice lady named Michelle told us many interesting things about the paper and how it works. Then the kids decided to tell her all the reasons you could get into the newspaper.

Some said sporting events or good grades. One student told us a horrible story about a small girl who got kidnapped and murdered and was in the newspaper. Another student asked if you could get in the newspaper for stealing pizza (maybe she was considering it!).

Our next stop was the bank. The students watched the money counting machine, visited the vault, and learned how the drive through worked. It was really interesting.

One of their favorite parts of the trip wasn't even planned. On our walk from the bank to the library Mr. Bennett popped out of his barber shop and squirted the kids with his water bottle. They screamed and laughed and yelled for more. It was hilarious.

We made it to the library where Ms. Misty read us two stories.
Some of the kids were already complaining about their feet hurting and being tired so they were pretty relaxed while they listened to the stories.

Our last stop (before it rained) was the fire station. We all promised we would learn our address in case we needed to call 911. Then we learned about the parts of a fire suit.

The firefighters wanted us to see a firefighter dressed up so we wouldn't be scared if one had to come in our house.

Then we looked at the fire truck. Wow!

We loaded back on the bus and went back to the school (instead of the park).

Our cadet teacher, Skyler, brought all of the kids donuts! How sweet. No wonder all the kids love him.

We also had pizza for lunch which was provided by the P.T.O.

Overall it was a fun day. What a trip!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a really fun (and tiring) day... I think the bank vault would've been my favorite part... or maybe the newspaper... or the pizza and donuts.
