Monday, April 19, 2010

Measuring and Sharing

We started mesuring in centimeters today. Who knew the most difficult part of the lesson would be saying the word centimeter! Alli was saying "cinnamon-eater" which started confusing the rest of the class.
Another student was saying "centi-peter". That caused some laughter.
After saying the word a few times really slow we went on to measuring line segments. Overall the lesson pulled together pretty well.

This afternoon our life-skills teacher, Mrs. Balls, read us a book and talked to us about sharing. She asked them to name things that were hard to share and some things that were easy to share.

Cal said it is easy to share his brother's playdough, but hard to share his XBox 360.

Jason said it is easy to share his toys and games, but hard to share his food and T.V. (typical guy)!

Rylee said it's hard to share her baby brother.

Destiny said it would be easy to share an apple with Mrs. Ward.

Another student said it is easy for her to share her sister, but not her doll.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not very mature... I cracked up at "centi-peter", too.
