Thursday, April 8, 2010

Top Readers

Our top readers for third quarter were Cal, Lance, Drew, Alli, and Bryce.

They ate pizza in the room. LOTS of pizza. Cal had about 6 pieces plus breadsticks. I think Lance had 4 pieces and about half a box of breadsticks! They ate and ate and ate.

During math Lance said he didn't think he could eat dinner tonight and Bryce asked to go to the nurse because his belly hurt. Cal said he was really full but it didn't slow him down because I actually caught him dancing before math started!
Each top reader was able to choose their favorite high schooler to come eat with them. Bryce said no thank you and only wanted to eat with his poppy. He did tell us stories though of how his Poppy ran in high school. I'd like to see that Lonnie!

Skyler came over for Cal, but of course all the kids love Skyler.

Alli chose Jacoby. She talked his leg off during the entire lunch and I overheard one conversation that involved tooting. Jacoby was a good sport though and seemed to have a good time.

There was a misunderstanding among the rest of the high schoolers so there were a few that didn't make it, but that just meant more pizza for the rest of us!

Congratulations to all of you wonderul readers!

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