Monday, April 12, 2010

Some Things Aren't Meant To Be Shared

My students are really great about sharing.
Each day they share books, pencils, erasers, and other items. But some things are not meant to share. Scotty got this edible necklace from the prize box. He was really enjoying it as he was reading to me. Then he says, "Mmm, Mrs. Ward, this is good. Here try some" and he puts it in my face. While it was very kind of him to want to share I politely said no thank you.
Another student sneezed really hard this morning and covered his math paper with snot. I decided he didn't need to share that paper with me.

A former student of mine shared some cotton candy with his 2nd grade teacher. When he gave it to her he said, "I'm gonna need that bowl back when you're done because that's where I keep my frog". Again...not meant to share.

Some of your children also share lots of interesting stories from home that you would probably not want them to share. Don't worry though I've got a first grader too that shares way too much with her teacher!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute, cute!!! I don't know how you do it. The snot paper would send me over the edge. I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
