Thursday, April 1, 2010


Jason brought everyone eggs filled with fun things! The kids all LOVED them!Rylee says Easter is about loving each other. On Easter Layne likes to hunt Easter eggs.

Drew says we celebrate Easter because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead in April.

Scotty loves to find eggs with candy in them!

On Easter Marcus likes to go hunt eggs with his mom and grandpa. Then he likes to eat the candy that is in the eggs.

Bryce likes to go outside and play baseball on Easter. This Easter he thinks he'll probably go out in the hot tub with his Poppy and then go to Simple Simons.

Lance says finding eggs is fun at Easter. This Easter he might go to his grandma's and grandpa's. He hopes he finds money in his eggs!

Alli thinks Easter is about celebrating spending time with her family. She is going to hunt Easter eggs with her cousins this year.

Evanson loves Easter because they go to church. He likes his church because it is fun.

Myla says Easter is about loving and caring about people. She likes hunting eggs and spending time with family.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter and a great break!

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