Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wonderful Writers

Our class wrote stories this week. Each day we worked on a different part of the story. We started with an exciting first sentence to grab the reader's attention. After that we worked on our beginning, middle, and end. We tried to stretch out the important parts and make them exciting.
Each day we did a pair and share. After they read their story to a friend, their friend made a nice comment.
Then a few students were picked to stand on the stage (that my grandpa made us) and read to the class. After they read the whole class would cheer.

They worked hard and I was proud of the stories they wrote.

We have also had a couple of other proud moments. Myla got Hug-A-Bear last week!

Drew earned our top crown, but Evanson stole the show with Honorable Mention. I always play some upbeat dance music to announce the names of our top readers. When I announced that Evanson was Honorable Mention he strutted up to me, did a quick spin, then a toetouch! The whole class cheered. It was an awesome moment!

Eli lost a front tooth!

Lots of great things going on in first grade!

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