Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Lance

Lance turned 7 today. The girls bowed down to him, we sang happy birthday, and ate cookies. The kids had some nice things to say about Lance. Drew likes to play with Lance. Eli thinks he's cool and Rylee says he's funny. Alli said he always made her laugh when they were kids.
Myla said he's a nice kid. Destiny says he's awesome and his writin' is good. Layne says he's good at reading and playing football.
Lance is excited because his Aunt Kathy is going to give him a 20 dollar bill, his mom is getting him rubber boots for the ranch because it's muddy, and his dad is getting him an air soft gun worth $100!
I hope his family knows that if it is on this blog it must be true! Good luck Lance!

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