Thursday, March 18, 2010


St. Patrick's Day was lots of fun. The kids all looked cute in their green. We wrote stories telling why we were lucky.

Scotty says, "I am lucky to have my mom".

Cal says, "I am lucky because I have an Xbox".

Lance says, "I was lucky when these people let us have a dog".

Layne says, "I am lucky because God gave me my family".
Alli says, "I am lucky because Jesus died on the cross for us".

Brandon says he is lucky because his mom bought him an Xbox.

Drew says he is lucky because his mom buys him toys.

Marcus says, "I am lucky because I am getting a new dog".
Jason says he is lucky to have his mom and dad.

Evanson says he is lucky to have his dog.
Rylee is lucky that her family loves her and that she has a new baby brother!
Sierra is lucky to have her dog Cowboy.
Jason's mom sent goodie bags for all the kids. They loved them!

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