Friday, March 19, 2010

Guest Readers

We've had high schoolers read to us many times, but today we were honored to have Kennedy and Tanner read to us from Mrs. Rea's kindergarten class!

They read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Wow, they read with such expression. They didn't seem intimidated at all by the first graders. They read nice and loud and showed us the pictures. They even discussed the lesson the book teaches us. Both of them acted like real professionals when they answered questions at the end of the book. Tanner actually said, "I have time for one more question". They were so funny.

"I liked it when my sister used her voice to sound like the boy in the story", said Drew.

Rylee liked it when her cousin Tanner really looked and sounded mad when he read.
Alli was so into the story that at one point she said she was getting scared!
Most of the kids couldn't believe they could read a second grade book and wanted to know how they became such great readers. Tanner and Kennedy gave credit to Mrs. Rea.

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