Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So Proud

I am so proud of our class. They are learning so much and really coming along in their reading. It is great to see how much they grow during the year.

The thing I really love about this group of kids though is their sweet spirits. This morning while reading our story, after a student would read a page, the rest of the class would clap for them and tell them how great they read. They praise the students at the end of each day who didn't get any codes for behavior problems too. While playing math flashcards they always say "good try" and "way to go".

I'm just really impressed with the way they treat each other. Sure, they still get annoyed with each other sometimes, but overall they still love and respect one another. What a wonderful quality!

On a side note... I will be teaching 2nd grade next year. It will be so great to get to see these kids grow one more year!


  1. That's big news! I'm sure many of the kids are hoping they get you next year, too!

  2. Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated on your class. I am Cal's Grandma Dawn and I live in Broken Arrow, OK. I told Cal that when I am really missing him I can just log on and there he is. He thought that was funny. I hope that you can teach him again next year.
    Thank you for being a FANTASTIC TEACHER.
    Dawn Parker
