Monday, May 16, 2011

Top Readers

Our top readers this quarter were Tanner, Taigan, Wilson, Josh, Mallorie, and Katie. They all worked really hard and earned lots of points for the quarter. Josh chose to eat with "Mallorie's coach" also known as Coach King. Mallorie shared her dad with Josh and also invited her mom, Mrs. Lisa, from the office.

Taigan chose cheer coach, Mrs. Alicia.Katie chose Mrs. Alicia's daughter, Hadley.

Hadley is our youngest guest so far! She loved the pizza.Wilson chose his mom, Mrs. Depriest. Tanner chose his mom, Angela.

They discussed all their favorite books and ate until they were sick. I thought it was cute that so many of them chose their parents to eat with. When it was time to take pictures Tanner and Wilson's mom started wiping their faces and giving them "spit baths". I told Tanner that Jake Rhoades (the athlete he invited the last two times) never wiped his face.

While I was trying to take group pictures they wanted to do a stunt (of course, why wouldn't they) so this was it!
Congratulations to all the top readers! Great job!

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