Thursday, May 19, 2011

MnM Math

Today we used MnMs to do some math activities. The students were given graph paper and asked to predict how many MnMs were going to be in their bag and what colors.Then they were given their bags of MnMs. They sorted them and graphed them. Then they compared it to their predictions.

After that we read The MnM Counting Book and did some more yummy activities.
We put them in groups. Using 12 MnMs we did 2 groups of 6, 3 groups of 4, 4 groups of 3, and 6 groups of 2.

We also made some shapes and talked about them.

At the end we subtracted MnMs!

That was the best part!

We should finish our Chocolate Touch book today. I guess that will be the end of our chocolate activities. Maybe we can find a book called "The Pizza Touch"!

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