Thursday, May 19, 2011

Learning With Chocolate

Who knew making brownies could be so educational (and delicious)! We discussed solids and liquids as we melted the butter.

As we counted the 6 tablespoons of cocoa we did some simple math problems.

"If we have 3 tablespoons and we need 6 tablespoons, how many more do we need?"

We discussed the importance of reading a recipe. We used sequencing as we talked about what we would do next.

We predicted all the ingredients we would need for the brownies.

We reviewed fractional parts, such as 1/2.

We talked about where chocolate comes from and some of the other uses of chocolate.

Zane and Tanner even used their muscles to stir the flour. They wanted to see if their workout was paying off.

The cafeteria ladies were nice enough to bake them for us.

The best part of the lesson was sampling our brownies.

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