Monday, August 23, 2010

Meet Mrs. Ward

Growing up I envisioned myself in one of two jobs. One job I always dreamed about was being the person who delivers the huge check to the lucky winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. I imagined myself jumping out of the prize patrol with balloons in one hand and a giant check in the other, knocking on someone's door and changing their lives forever. My other choice was teaching young people. I like to think I am still changing lives...I just don't get to jump out of the prize patrol.

I began teaching 12 years ago here at Seneca Elementary. I couldn't have a better job and I know I was meant to do this. It is indescribable how it feels to see little ones learn new things and become so excited by it all.

I have a wonderful family as well. I've been married to Brad for nearly 14 years. He is an amazing man and I'm very lucky to have him. We are also blessed with two amazing children.

Our 8 year old daughter, Zoe, is spunky. She makes life a lot more fun.

Cole is our miracle baby. Many of you know my husband, Brad, was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. They told us that because of the chemotherapy it would be very unlikely for us to have any more kids. But God is good and we were surprised to find out we were having a little boy.
He's a very strong-willed 20 month old and we can't imagine our lives without him.
Your children will learn many things this year. However, my goal is not only to teach them reading and math but also how to love others, respect authority, and work hard. I can't wait to get to know each student and begin an exciting year together.

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