Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Excited About Learning

Friday we had our first Show and Tell. The kids got on the stage and shared some interesting things.

Tristen kept getting nervous and could barely speak. Finally he got up the nerve to say, "I don't have anything to show, but I just wanted to tell everyone that I like meat". When I asked what type of meat he went into "Bubba"mode off the movie Forrest Gump. Only instead of naming shrimp he rattled off lots of meat..."steak, kangaroo, whale, chicken ribs, chicken legs, chicken wings, fall off the bone ribs, white bass, rock bass, and pork tenderloin". Then he looked at me and said, "Are you writing this down?"

We've been working in reading centers this week. The kids enjoy them and I'm getting the chance to hear all of them read. They're a really smart group!
Tanner was in the reading center today and came up to me grinning from ear to ear. He said, "Kennedy and I are having so much fun. You're spoiling us with all these books".
This is why I love teaching first grade!

I read a story aloud to the class today and they all were laughing and loving it and Chase shouts out, "Ooo, I wish my mom was here to listen to this story. She would love it!" Today in math we built towers to show the numbers 1-5.

I realized pretty quick that I had to set up some rules for using the linking blocks. Some of the kids were using them as guns, swords, and microphones.

They got the hang of it though and did a great job. They worked hard and followed directions.

Then we did a paper to continue practicing what we learned. We did side A together.

Then the students were able to use their math offices for the first time to do side B on their own.

We're learning so much already. Except for the occasional "is it lunch time yet" at 9:15, they're hanging in there really well!

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