Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Grade...Here We Come!

Open House on Tuesday was a huge success! For the first time since I started teaching, all 20 of my students and their parents came to Open House! We had a carnival theme in our classroom. My friend, Taya, is working the "kissing booth". She is handing out Hershey kisses.
Zoe is passing out "Warrior Water".

I think the kids had a good time. The poor parents had to fill out a ton of paperwork.

The parents left with more paperwork to read and the kids left with a treat box.

We started our first day today! I think we're going to have a really great class!

We mostly practiced rules and procedures, but the students did get a chance to share what they did over the summer on our stage. Kennedy said her favorite part of first grade so far is her nice teacher. Mallorie said painting in art class. Tanner said 2 things, the white monkey bars and the armpit slide. These are two pieces of playground equipment that they weren't allowed on last year.

Regan said her stomach hurt a little last night and this morning, but when she got to school it stopped hurting.Emaleigh said the most annoying part of her day was when her mom just kept taking pictures of her this morning.

About 2:00 this afternoon Wilson said time goes by fast when you don't have to take a nap. Although a couple of girls admitted they were tired and Alexis said she needed a nap.

Poor Chase hurt his writing arm yesterday. He was a good sport and actually did really well. His friends were so sweet to help him out through the day.

I laughed a lot today already. This is going to be a fun year!

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