Friday, May 21, 2010


Of course I'm excited about summer break, but I'm really going to miss this group of kids. They are kind-hearted kids who crack me up every single day! I love them all. I'm going to miss them.

The best thing about first grade was the dodgeball tournament.--Cal

The best thing about first grade was eating lunch with the athletes.--Bryce

The best thing about first grade was eating pizza in the classroom.--Morgan

I'm most proud of spending time with Mrs. Ward.--Myla

I'm most proud of learning math.--Jason

I am proud that I got 100% on all my spelling tests.--Drew

The worst day in first grade was the day I got 5 codes.--Rylee

The worst day in first grade is when we didn't have tetherball all 3 recesses.--Eli

The worst day in first grade is when I get mad at my friends.--Cassie

This is my worst day in first grade. I don't want to leave.--Evanson

My favorite specials class is P.E.--Layne

Mrs. Ward is my favorite thing about first grade.--Alli

My favorite specials is music.--Lilly

I enjoyed art class this year.--Brandon

I like computer class.--Scotty

I liked art class.--Sierra

I'm proud that I made it to 100 AR points.--Lance

I like Mrs. Ward because she looks cute and I love her.--Destiny

I'm excited to spend the summer with my own kids. I know you will have fun too! I love you all!

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