Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pizza Party

Tanner's mom brought the class pizza today for lunch. Before Thanksgiving the elementary school held a contest to help collect food for families in need. The class who collected the most items would earn a pizza party.

Before they announced the winner I asked the class to think about giving their pizza to a family who needs an extra meal if we won. I let them know that it would not be expected of them and nobody would blame them if they wanted to eat the pizza, because after all, they would have deserved it.

The next couple of days kids would come in the class and tell me things like, "A family who needs help can have my pizza". You can tell they were really thinking about it.

When it came time to send in our numbers of items we collected I asked the kids to put their heads on their desk and we would take a vote. 5 kids wanted the pizza party (who can blame them) and 16 kids wanted to give their pizza away. I was so proud of them.

We didn't win the pizza party but because of their giving hearts we bought a gift certificate to Simple Simons and donated it to a family anyway.

Tanner's mom caught word of this and was as proud of the kids as I was and felt that they deserved a pizza party.

So today we celebrated the loving hearts of the kids in my class.

I love them all and am proud of the young people they are becoming.

I know I've said it before, but this is a great group!

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