Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dear Santa

We wrote letters to Santa today. Looking at some of the letters I'm thinking Santa may go broke this year!
Dear Santa,
Takak you for my stuf you gaf me. I wut a maken girl doll. and Wii gams. and dsi games. and mesket.
Your Friend
Dear Santa,
Santa Thacu for the presits las yer. Tis yer i wod lick agost r wors I wod lick a trdatack 2 ples gunsi iwlr 2 Thacu bi.
Your Friend
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the gift this yoar I want a super maio Galixie 2.

Your Friend,

Dear Santa,
I bin rely rely good this yer. how is roodof doing? for crismus I wunt a tv a zuhzuh pet a zuhzuh petstashin a Ituch npthreplayr catays tus of cady a baby sister.
Your Friend

Dear Santa,
I wut to see waw roodoFF is doing and I wut a weey.
Your Friend,
Dear Santa,
thak you for my bik. Can I have 1 of yor bels. I have ben god these yore plese wel you gev me old tim soopr moryo bruthrs for wii.
Your Friend,

Dear Sant,
I’v ben good this year I’v got ol As. for chistmas I wunt a shool set.
Your Friend,

Dear Santa,
Thanks for the presents that I got last year thay were asum. This chrismis I wood like Woody and boolzie and Slincky Dog and a Mb3 plaer. and any thang else late I wonted.
Your friend,
Dear Sannta,
Thacs for my fifsts. you are nisy. This year I woud like some gamse for my ds. And kitkitrige. And also kalindre. And a cuple moue. I wount dooter set. And notboock. And zoozoo pet stufe
Your Friend,
Dear Santa,
I have bin good this year. I hlpe my mom cook. I want an ipod tuch. A smartbord. And a calinder. And a 150 puzzl.
Your Friend,
Dear Santa,
Tank for the ol thu pesins. I will like a fese stuf Santa and I wut a pepr Dog and I wut wost cktr
Dear Santa,
I have bin vare good this year. For crismis I wood like a slence dog frun toy store 123.
Your Friend,
Tanner Dear Santa,

I want a dsi for December.


Dear Santa,

For crismis i wont a bax blade Lego Harry pottr set Harry pottr acshin figr
Your Friend,


Dear Santa,
I wut a dog and troy kr
Alex Mejia Deare Santa,
Thac uow for the cupudr. I wut a tresis.
Dear Santa
I help miy dad feed miy dog I help my mom I wunt a paatbol gun
your friend

Dear Santa,
I wunt a par uv clos and a par uv shos and a par uv pans and a new bacpack and a gam and a boc and a swetr and mitns and sno bots

Dear Santa,
I wut a dol is biw

Dear Santa,
I wut a DSI for December.

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