Monday, October 4, 2010

Wild Things, I Think I Love You!

After reading "Where the Wild Things Are", each student made their own "Wild Thing". I put them out on the bulletin board along with something I love about each student.

I love the way Chase makes me laugh! He always has a funny story.
I love the way Brayden helps others and makes them feel good.
I love it when Emma says, “I just gotta give you a hug, Mrs. Ward.” It makes me feel so good!
I love Makenna’s sweet spirit and her willingness to work hard.
I love the way Alexis can be cheerful about anything!
I love how cute Tristen is. He says it’s because he works out and tans!
I love Katie’s enthusiasm. She seems to love everything we do in class.
I love Kennedy’s drive. She tries her hardest in everything she does.
I love the way Regan treats her friends. She is kind to others.
I love the way Tanner thinks I spoil him by letting him read books. Now that’s someone who’s excited about learning! I love the way Sydney obeys. She always does what the teachers ask her to do.
I love the way Josh reads. Wow, sometimes I can hardly believe he’s a first grader! I love the way Mallorie helps and encourages those who need it the most. What a wonderful quality. I love the way Taigan can be trusted to do any job. She is very responsible. I love how animated Emaleigh can be. She definitely adds “life” to our classroom.
I love how Zane encourages others. He’s always the first to compliment or congratulate others. I love the way Alex celebrates his gift of speaking two languages. He’s trying to teach all of us a little Spanish!

I love the way Hannah is always looking to help others. She is a selfless little girl.
I love Angeline’s sweet smile. She can light up a room with her positive attitude. I love the way Wilson enjoys his friends. You can tell they have a close relationship.

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