Friday, October 1, 2010


Our school was chosen as a Reward School by Sam's Club so this morning the manager of Sams brought lots of school supplies and $100 gift cards for the teachers. Mrs. Barnes drew 10 names for the gift cards and I was one of them! It was so cute because all the kids were crossing their fingers and praying I would get one. When they called my name they cheered and gave me high fives and I looked like I had just won a game show! I was thrilled!! When I asked each of the students what we should spend the $100 on, this is what they said:

pencils and glue sticks since we can’t find ours-Emaleigh

shoes and dresses and wigs and stuff-Angeline

Halloween decorations for everybody-Hannah

Valentine decorations-Kennedy

sandwiches for the candy bucket-Chase

Fruit snacks, Fruit Roll-ups, and suckers for the candy bucket-Tanner

Nintendo D.S. with a game so we all could play it-Zane


2 boxes of Ring Pops-Wilson

things for the candy bucket and treasure box and paper-Mallorie

As many cheesballs as I can get for $100-Brayden

A little train that goes around in an oval-Joshua

Wallpaper with stars on it. That would make our classroom look better-Katie

Ice cream—Emma

Steak, so we can have a steak party-Tristen


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