Friday, September 11, 2009

Getting To Know Mrs. Ward's Class

Our athletes this week were Pryce and Stevie. The kids really loved them. Stevie is in our room every morning so the kids adore her. She's like a rock star to our class. They can't get enough of her.
This was the first time we had a boy and girl athlete together so of course one of the students asked, "Are you two married?"

Pryce and Stevie read Diary Of A Worm by Doreen Cronin. The kids thought it was hilarious.

I asked the kids some questions today that really made them think! Some of their answers were quite comical.
When asked who they would be if they could be anyone in the world, Brandon said "God 'cause I like him". Keegan said he would be his dad because he's smarter.

I asked Sierra where she would go if she could go anywhere in the world and she said "Kansas City because they have a waterslide". Alli's favorite food is macaroni because it's cheesy and tastes awesome! Myla loves strawberries because they are so sweet.

Jason is doing a terrific job in reading. He can read almost anything! Scotty's favorite food is spaghetti.

Rylee thinks guacamole is disgusting because it tastes like grass. If Layne could be any animal she would be a goat because they like to eat everything.

Lance would be a bull because they buck really hard. If Eli could be anyone in the world he would be the president because he's smart and he knows everything.

If Cal could be anyone he said "I would be my friend Alex because he's fast like me". Drew said he would be his friend Nick because he's fun to play with. Bryce said he would be his dad because he's nice.

Destiny loves to swim. Here she is showing our pictograph about our favorite sports.

Myla drags a picture of a volleyball to show her favorite sport on our graph.
Layne and Evanson were our Hug-A-Bears from last week!
Evanson hates rotten eggs because they are stinky. I've noticed he has a strong sense of smell. He loves the smell of our cadet teacher, Stevie. He "sniffs" her each day when she comes to our room. I'm glad she's a good sport!

This is my 9 month old baby Cole "helping" me grade papers.

1 comment:

  1. You're so lucky, Mrs. Ward. What a good looking class! I love all the photos. Your kids are adorable!
