Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We Got the Golden Plunger!

...and yes this is a good thing!
Starting last week the class with the cleanest room earns the Golden Plunger award. The students came in this morning to find it stuck to our whiteboard. They were really excited. Hannah said, "We got the Golden Plunger, I've been praying for that all night!" Some people pray for world peace, some people pray for toilet plungers. The important thing is that God answers prayers!

While I was going around taking pictures I was trying to get them to pose so I said, "Yay, we're #1!" Tristen seriously said, "More like we're #2."
I wondered if he was trying to be funny since he was holding a plunger and saying we were #2, but when I questioned him about it he simply meant we were the second class to win.

It's funny what motivates kids. Today we're celebrating "The Plunger"!

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