Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wacky Word of the Week

Our school-wide Wacky Word of the Week is DESCRIBE.

Together we chose 10 people in our building to describe.
The kids worked in pairs and made illustrations of the people. They described what they looked like as they created their person.
Then they used 3 words to describe their person.
After we were finished we hung them outside their door.

Mrs. Blick, our counselor, was described as loving, helpful, and sweet.
Mrs. Lisa, our secretary and Mallorie's mom, is informative, athletic (because Mallorie told us she walks in the gym with Mrs. Autumn after school), and really cute. I agree!!
Mr. Leo, our custodian, is tidy, nice, and artistic (he draws the kids pictures a lot).
Nurse Katie is smart, caring, and helpful.
In fact, she is so caring some of us could see her everyday...even when we're not really sick!

Mrs. Balls, our Life Skills teacher, helps us with life and is kind and serious.
We also described a couple of the cafeteria ladies, Mrs. Barnes, and a few specials teachers. The kids did a great job and it was fun to see how they described others!

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