Thursday, January 13, 2011

Drawing Conclusions

Second grade teacher, Mrs. Hanes, helped me out today to teach "drawing conclusions". I told the class that I needed to step out for a minute. A few seconds later Mrs. Hanes barged into the room. She yelled, "Where is Mrs. Ward, I need to talk to her!" When the class told her I wasn't here she grabbed her hair and growled. She stomped her feet and slammed the door on the way out.

She must be quite the actress because when I came back in the kids looked scared. They all started panicking and telling me that Mrs. Hanes needed to talk to me immediately. They said she was really mad! I asked, "Did she tell you she was mad?" They answered, "No, but we could tell." When I asked how they could tell they all started describing her actions. Just what I wanted them to do!

After that, I had them write about Mrs. Hanes. They couldn't use the word "mad". They could only describe what it looked like to be mad.

Thanks Mrs. Hanes! I don't think the kids will be forgetting this lesson!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!! That sounds like a lot of fun. I'd love to help with that lesson some time. I'm a great actress!
