Friday, May 21, 2010


Of course I'm excited about summer break, but I'm really going to miss this group of kids. They are kind-hearted kids who crack me up every single day! I love them all. I'm going to miss them.

The best thing about first grade was the dodgeball tournament.--Cal

The best thing about first grade was eating lunch with the athletes.--Bryce

The best thing about first grade was eating pizza in the classroom.--Morgan

I'm most proud of spending time with Mrs. Ward.--Myla

I'm most proud of learning math.--Jason

I am proud that I got 100% on all my spelling tests.--Drew

The worst day in first grade was the day I got 5 codes.--Rylee

The worst day in first grade is when we didn't have tetherball all 3 recesses.--Eli

The worst day in first grade is when I get mad at my friends.--Cassie

This is my worst day in first grade. I don't want to leave.--Evanson

My favorite specials class is P.E.--Layne

Mrs. Ward is my favorite thing about first grade.--Alli

My favorite specials is music.--Lilly

I enjoyed art class this year.--Brandon

I like computer class.--Scotty

I liked art class.--Sierra

I'm proud that I made it to 100 AR points.--Lance

I like Mrs. Ward because she looks cute and I love her.--Destiny

I'm excited to spend the summer with my own kids. I know you will have fun too! I love you all!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rock Star

The kids haven't stopped talking about Skyler since his last day in our class. They ask everyday where he is and when he's going to be back. They tell me how much they miss him too.

It was so said that I called Skyler and told him he had to come back and see them.He came back today for about 10 minutes and they all screamed and hugged him. We even had to create a line to hug Skyler so he wouldn't get knocked over.They asked him questions like, "What do you do all day", "What are you doing this summer" and "What's 5X5". First graders are so random!!
Thanks for coming to visit us Skyler. We love you!

For Michelle

My fifth grade brother, Blake, got a haircut today. This picture is for my sister-in-law that lives in Columbia who adores him. I know she would want to see how cute he is with his new look.

I Kissed George Brett!

It was about 13 years ago, but it was amazing! He looks annoyed here, but that's before I asked if I could kiss him.I actually brought these pictures to show Drew because he talks Royals baseball to me all the time and he is the only one in my class who knows who George Brett is and is impressed by these pics! I posted them on the blog so his parents could see them!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top Readers

Our 4th quarter top readers ate pizza today. Lance, Drew, and Cal were our top 3 readers again! Layne and Cassie were the next 2 and enjoyed pizza with the boys.
Those kids can really eat! Cassie ate 6 pieces and Drew ate 7. I cut Cal off at 9!
Congratulations to our top readers. They worked very hard.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cute Babies!

Drew brought his baby brother, Cooper, for show and tell on Friday. How cute are these two!?!
Cooper was sweet and just smiled the whole time while the other kids adored him.

I know these girls aren't technically babies, in fact they are juniors in high school. To me though they are babies. Madison and Olivia were the flower girls in my wedding and I also had them in kindergarten! I ran into them at Red Onion on prom night. Aren't they beautiful young ladies?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We'll Miss You

Today was Stevie and Skyler's last day. We'll miss you both. Good luck!
Skyler brought all the kids candy bars with a sweet note attached. They loved it!

For a good laugh check out the link on the right called Skyler and Mrs. Ward.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wow! That's Old!

Do you remember when 34 was old?

My first phone call this morning was from my brother wishing me a happy birthday. His little girl, Hayden, got on the phone and guessed my age at 20-13. My brother thought that meant 33. Pretty close!
Jason brought me this crown to wear that said "Birthday Queen". I told the class I was going to wear it all day and pretend to be a queen so they would have to do whatever I say. Then I said, "Oh, you have to do that anyway!" I still put it on every once in awhile just to remind them.Alli asked all morning if they could have a surprise party for me. She said she had it all planned. All I needed to do was leave the room. I tried to inform her that it wasn't much of a surprise if she was asking permission. Oh well!

I had them write a paper today explaining what they would be like at 34. Alli says she wants a hot husband who is a good kisser! Layne said her husband didn't have to be very good-looking as long as he did everything and she didn't have to do anything.
Nearly all the girls wanted anywhere between 10-15 kids. I told them they were going to be tired. One boy said he didn't want to have any kids because he didn't want to pay child support.
Jason's mom brought the best cupcakes. They were chocolate with moist chocolate icing and a creme filling like a ding-dong, only much better! The kids bowed down to me. They were worried their arms would get tired so I let them count by fives! Then they sang happy birthday and we enjoyed the cupcakes and drinks.

Evanson said, "I'm chocolate, but I don't really like chocolate" so he didn't eat much of his cupcake. He did get a little on his eyelid (not sure how) but he said its brown and his skin's brown so it didn't matter.
Jason's mom apologized for the blowers a couple of times, but the kids really loved them!

Thank you to all of you who made my birthday so much fun! What a great day.