Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wild Things!

Seneca Elementary hosted a family reading night last night. Families were able to come eat chili and listen to stories read by our staff. The night ended with a performance from our first grade wild things!

The Title One teachers were the wildest things of all!

Mrs. Whitehead, our music teacher, put together an amazing show.

I read the story, "Where the Wild Things Are" and the children acted out the story. They sang songs, showed their terrible claws, and my favorite...rolled their terrible eyes.

I read this story to my class in October. There is a part in the story where Max sailed away in his private boat. I asked the children if they knew what the word private meant. One child said, "that's a part of your body that nobody should look at except maybe your doctor". Somehow I didn't see that one coming!

One day last week I went home and told my husband that the kids were really wild that day. My first grader said, "Mom, they're probably just in character for the show"!

I do love my wild things!!

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