Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I asked a few of the kids about their parents and the love they share.

Layne says her parents met in kindergarten. They always liked each other. They started dating in kindergarten. They got married and went to Arkansas or something. What her mom likes most about her dad is that he does most of the laundry. Her dad likes it when her mom puts all her make-up on and looks like a movie star.

Evanson says his mom loves it when his dad cleans the driveway at his house.

Drew 's mom sometimes mows the lawn when his dad does it too much. He said his dad likes that. His mom likes it when his dad cleans (with the help of Drew and his sister). He says they got married at St. Paul's and he can tell they love each other.

I also had the students write a paper where they finished this statement: Love is...

Lance said, "Love is when anybody does anything for me".

Cal said, "Love is about bonding with someone that you really really like. An example: Like me and Drew you know we sometimes fight but we work it out".

Layne said, "Love is patient and kind. Love is like someone in Haiti needs money and helping them out".
Scotty said, "Love is home".

Alli said, "Love is romantic".
Bryce said, "Love is like if someone takes you to Simple Simons".

Evanson said, "Love is like when my mom makes me rice and sausage".
Pretty sweet huh?

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