Wednesday, January 20, 2010

From the Mouths of Babes

We have a couple of cute writing activities in our hallway. In Art last week the students made cute little hats with their New Year's Resolutions glued to the bottom. These were some of my favorites:
Bryce says, "I will spend more time with my poppy".Scotty says, "I will follow directions". Drew says, "I want to gain more weight". Man, I wish that were mine!!

We also did a writing project about things we love.
Alli said, "I love my mommy because she loves me and she macks pasta".
Rylee said, "I love my papa because he was love able and i love my grammy because she lets me have ice crem".
Evanson said, "I love rice and sausage".
Lance said, "I love football because I'm a quarterback and sinner".

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