Monday, March 14, 2011


I have been reading "Because of Winn-Dixie" to the class. We got to the part where Miss Franny gives Opal a Littmus Lozenge. It is a candy that tastes like root beer, strawberry, and sorrow. When you eat it it makes you feel "melancholy". That was a new word we learned from the story. I gave them a Littmus Lozenge and as they sucked on the candy they wrote about how it made them feel.They took it pretty serious.

Many of them told about grandparents or pets that had passed away. A couple told about a time a friend or loved one got hurt.

Luckily none of them stayed sad for very long and they even asked for another Littmus Lozenge later.


  1. Hi! I know this is pretty late, since you did this project a long time ago with your class, but here I am, over a year later, wondering how to make a Littmus Lozenge! I don't know you or anything, but I happened to stumble upon your blog on a Google search. You seem to be an awesome teacher! Not a lot of people bother to interact with their class and have them actually taste a Littmus Lozenge and write about the sensation. I'd really, really appreciate if you could tell me how or what you used to make them!
    If you can get back to me, thanks! (Of course, only if it isn't a bother to you!) Email me at

  2. How old could they be now? I dont know your students ages but please tell me now
