Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Fun

We were blessed to have Annie, Amber, and Elyssa come read to our class today.
They are athletes from the high school.

Elyssa is the basketball manager and plays golf.
Amber plays softball and basketball.
Annie plays basketball, volleyball, and runs track. One student said, "I can tell you run track because you're wearing shorts."

They read "Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile". Tristen shared his wealth of knowledge about crocodiles with us. It was pretty impressive.
Then they signed our autograph books.
They visited with each of the students and really listened and had fun with them.
Of course, the kids LOVED them.

They drew pictures for them and gave them lots of hugs.

Katie, Amber, and Annie all showed off their bruised knees. Annie and Amber's were from basketball. Katie's were from her new bike.

Mallorie loved Amber. She kept "gazing" at her. That was a vocabulary word this week. Mallorie almost took it from gazing to just plain obsessed!

Each time I asked Amber to get in the picture she would stand in front of all the little kids and ask, "Is this where you want me?"
The kids thought it was funny...I did too!
Then Alex and Brayden sang a song to the girls. I think it might have been a love song.
All 3 of the girls really enjoyed it.

They took all the great pictures the kids drew them and headed back to the high school.
Hopefully they can visit again sometime. We really enjoyed them!

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