Thursday, October 22, 2009

Miss Morgan

Miss Morgan came to our class today. She is a freshman in college and is observing our class as part of her requirements to become a teacher one day.

The students were very curious as to why she was here. I told them she was in college and watching our classroom. Then I asked if they had any ideas of why she was going to college (thinking the answer was obvious, to become a teacher). Alli said she was going to college so she could drive a cherry red ferrari. So I clarified and asked what job she was going to college to learn about. They thought for awhile and Eli said monster truck driver, someone else said F.B.I., and another said race car driver. They asked her lots of questions like where she lived and what color her house was. Then they told her of all of the people they knew in college, or in some cases junior high.

They liked Morgan visiting our class and have all decided they will go to college one day too!

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