Friday, February 25, 2011


We finished reading "Mama's Birthday Present" from our reading series. It was about a young boy who planned a surprise party for his mom.

When the students came back from specials today I surprised them with a party.
Some high school boys came and played music for us. It was really awesome and the kids LOVED it. They thought they were really good.
We had sweet bunuelos too. It was a special treat that the characters in our story ate so we had them at our party. The kids thought they were delicious.

We listened to the band while we ate and then we just had to get up and dance.

For some reason the girls were really swinging their hair around. I guess it seems more like a party when you do that.

The boys were breakdancing and doing the worm.

Then we took pictures with the high schoolers. This is Cody.

This is Ryan. The kids thought he looked like Justin Bieber. I don't think Ryan took it as a compliment (and his friends teased him), but the kids meant it as a compliment for sure!

This is Matthew. He played the keyboard.
This is Cameron.
Then we pulled strings to try and break the pinata, like they did in our story.

We got lots of candy when it broke!

We had a great time and it was fun way to expand our vocabulary from the story and celebrate reading.

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