Friday, January 7, 2011

Ward's Wrestlers

Steve and Trent came to read to our class today. They are State Champion wrestlers, but more importantly to me, they're my babies! I had both of these boys when they were in Kindergarten and now, 12 years later, they are seniors. I am so proud of the men they have become. Before they read I had to embarrass them a little with some kindergarten memories. I pulled out a class book we made. Trent had said, "I wish I had wings like a butterfly". The illustration with his little face was at the bottom.Steve said, "I wish I had udders like a cow". HILARIOUS! We agreed that neither was very "manly"!

They were good sports about it and they read "The Wide-Mouthed Frog" to our class.
I even talked Trent into talking like the frog during part of it. He's so cute!

The kids liked the story and asked them unusual questions (as always) like, "Do you like shrimp?" and "Do you like crab?" Not really a lot of questions about wrestling.
We posed for some pictures before they signed our autograph books.

Many of the girls drew them pictures and a couple of them even held up their marker boards as they were leaving that said things like, "I like you!"

We wished them good luck at their match tonight against Carl Junction and said good-bye.
Thanks boys for visiting our class!

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