Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If I Were Santa

If I were Santa I would give the kids that are good toys and the kids that aren't don't get toys. -Regan
If I were Santa I would give toys. -Alex If I were Santa I would give school clothes.-Makenna

If I were Santa I would give candy.--Emma

If I were Santa I would give gold to the poor people.-Brayden

If I were Santa I would give Mrs. Ward $5000030.-Tanner (boy, I wish Tanner were Santa)

If I were Santa each day I would give good presents and clothes to poor people.-Hannah

If I were Santa I would give a Wii to Alex.-Chase

If I were Santa I would give poor people $100.-Sydney

If I were Santa I would give poor people money and kids toys..any kind. Mallorie

If I were Santa I would give $100 bills to the children that are very, very good.-Taigan
If Iwere Santa I would give an apple, a camera, an ornament that's an angel, and a top.-Katie
If I were Santa I would give a smartboard and a one hundred dollar bill.-Kennedy

If I were Santa I would give the power to let anyone do whatever they want. -Zane

If I were Santa I would give a Wii to Tanner.-Wilson
If I were Santa I would give 100 cookies to Sydney.-Alexis

If I were Santa I would give a Wii game to Zane.-Josh
If I were Santa I would give people a Wii.-Emaleigh
If I were Santa I would give my brother a game.-Angeline

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